Get hosting from Kailash Cloud with 20% off using the promo code “NOV20” till this November month(2023)
- Unlimited Websites
- Unlimited Storage Litespeed Server +
- LSCache WP
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Databases
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Unlimited Addon & Subdomain
- Daily Automated Backups
- Free SSL Certificate
- Automatic malware scans
- One Click Installer
- cPanel + Cloudlinux as Standard
- Python Support
- Node Js Support
- Terminal Access
The above-mentioned promo code will be valid for the following hosting plans listed on the Kailash Cloud.
- Basic Plan
- Medium Plan
- Pro Plan
- Kailash Single
- Kailash Business
- Kailash Unlimited
- Nodejs Starter
- Nodejs Standard
- Nodejs Premium
- Python Starter
- Python Standard
- Python Premium
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