Jeevee Dashain Babbal Sale

dashain babbal sale jeevee

Jeevee Dashain Babbal Sale

At the moment, we are all set to welcome Dashain 2079 with high hopes and enthusiasm. This is the
only occasion where family gathers up from different corners of the world and spend a quality time
To make this moment more marked, Jeevee is bringing up some exciting deals and offers that will help
you shop your favorites, gift your loved ones at ease with just one click.
Not to mention, Savings will be the ultimate benefit. The campaign is officially called, ‘’ Dashain Babbal
Sale’’. It is starting on Bhadra 27 (September 12, 2022) and ending on Ashwin 13 (September 29, 2022).
The Dashain Babbal Sale is full of surprises, offers, benefits that will make you want more shopping. It
basically consists of deals like ‘’Everything at Rs. 99’’, ‘’Upto 80% OFF’, ‘’Weekend Deals’’, ‘’ Saturday
Coupons’’, ‘’Freebies’’, ‘’Buy 1 Get 1 free’’, ‘’ One Rupee Game’’, ‘’ Daily Giveaways’’ and so on.
‘’Everything at Rs. 99” will be the most popular deal that most people will hook onto.
You will get to relish these big-time deals on thousands of products from hundreds of brands available
on Jeevee. You just need to scroll, spot and shop. Let’s dig into further and know these deals more.
Everything at Rs.99
Have you imagined any price drop that meets your expectation? Yes, this is happening for real.
The fancy deal offers you pocket-friendly opportunity where you get to shop your favorite baby, beauty
and health essentials. But all you need to do is gear yourself up as we only offer limited slots.
So, be the first in line to grab this incredible deal.
Upto 80% Off
Who would not love this? This is like big fat discount on some of the items you buy. You can discover the
items on the site itself displayed on Jeevee’s home page.
Rupee 1 Game
The most fun and exciting segment that will take place on every weekends. Just add to cart, checkout
and the lucky one wins products worth ranging from Rs.5000 to Rs 15, 000. It’s worth the wait.
Daily Giveaways
‘’Pay nothing Accept everything.’’ This is what giveaway says. You need not to do anything basically, just
be an active participant and follow the steps as stated.
It can be a ‘’Comment & Win’’ contests, ‘’Tag & Win’’ contests’’, ‘’Photo Contests’’, ‘’Check-in to win’’,
‘’Guessing Game’’, ‘’Shop & Win’’ and so on.
At the end all you will end up with fun, fulfillment and surprises.

Buy 1 Get 1 free

If you are a loyal user of any product be it skincare, beauty, hair care, baby care. And if you are getting
another for free, go for it. The deal is for you, steal it on Jeevee.
Saturday Coupons
Saturdays are meant for shopping. Besides Dashain, Jeevee keeps launching coupon codes every
weekend for their customers.
You just need to apply the code at checkout and get maximum discounts.
Besides the above mentioned, Jeevee will also provide freebies and weekend deals. Overall, the whole
Dashain campaign is all about discount worth Rs. 79 lakhs.
Download the app from Play Store or log into its website to stay tuned for more
About Jeevee
Jeevee is a homegrown e-commerce with a niche in health, baby and beauty segments established in
2019. It is registered under Jeevee Health Pvt. Ltd and a part of Deba Jyoti Group.
To the date, Jeevee hosts the mass customers from all over the nation with 1000+ brands and 45,000+
products ranging from healthcare to baby care, beauty, skincare and personal care.

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